Abnormally thick hair made this child famous all over the Internet: see how she looks now

Gabriella became famous right after she was born. Her mother shared her photo and the world got dazzled by her abnormally thick hair. She became famous not only in her native Sofia but also abroad.

The 33-year-old Denica Caneva gave birth on April 30, 2019. Her eldest daughter named Yvonne dreamed of a sister with whom se could do her desired hairstyles. And the little girl’s dream came true.

The mother became caring for her daughter’s thick hair and it became thicker and thicker.

Why this adorable baby with 'Rapunzel' hair is going viral | Bounty Parents


She posted fabulous photos of her little girl and showed how she changed during these 3 years.

Девочка родилась с густыми, стоящими дыбом волосами и была названа в Сети  малышкой Рапунцель | Passion.ru

Now Gaby’s mother could do marvelous ponytails from her hair. She looks amazing.

Apodan “Rapunzel” a una bebé que nació con una abundante cabellera gruesa y  brillante | cabello | The Epoch Times en español


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