Remember the girl with the huge monobrow? This is how she lives and looks now

Sophia Hadjipanteli took part in various exhibitions and beauty projects but hardly anyone could describe her as a typical model.

Sophia Hadjipanteli

Many men and women will think that her huge monobrow is not sexy and it can not be attractive. But the girl made this her main advantage and greatest strength.

Instagram model Sophia Hadjipanteli films ad and talks about unibrow | Daily Mail Online

The girl became extremely famous and took her place in fashion history. She kept claiming that her brow was not embarrassing at all and that girls shouldn’t get ashamed of their thick brows at all.

Sophia Hadjipanteli | Premier Artists

This is how she looks without her “powerful” brow.

Pin on eyebrows

Now she is also very active on her Instagram account and keeps posting various photos and motivating others with her content.


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