A worried goose waits outside the clinic while her partner gets life-saving surgery in a touching scene.
During the surgery, a caring goose waited for her mate in front of the hospital door. One day, volunteers at the Cape Wildlife Center became concerned when they saw one of the geese in their neighborhood’s pond struggling to walk.
An examination revealed that the goose, named Arnold, had suffered a severe foot injury. He will only survive if he has surgery because everything was so serious.
The vets thought he probably got hurt by a predator. They prepared him for the surgery and gave him antibiotics.
The next morning, as the medical staff prepared to begin the surgery, they observed a goose standing in front of the clinic’s door. A caring goose remained in front of the hospital door waiting for her partner.
It turned out that a strange visitor as well as the medical team were concerned about Arnold’s condition. She was Arnold’s long-term companion, and the vets recognized her.
It appears that the worried goose followed her boyfriend and decided to be with him. It touched me so deeply.
Throughout the entire surgery, a caring goose waited for her partner in front of the hospital door. She continued to wait for Arnold. Fortunately, the surgery went off without a hitch.
Arnold’s soulmate was allowed to enter the clinic after a few hours to reunite with her ill boyfriend.
The vets hoped he would soon recover enough to join her faithful soulmate.