Even though the iconic series was aired many years ago, Sarah Jessica Parker, who played the character of Carrie Bradshaw, is still widely recognized for the role. She recently took part in the series’ revival, when she encountered ageism.
Sarah Jessica Parker responded in interviews when some said she was too old for the part by noting that some people highlight her wrinkles while others believe she has too few.
She chooses to accept natural aging rather than attempting to seem flawless because she believes that people enjoy it when they can perceive the challenges of aging.
She is aware of her appearance but feels powerless to change it. Since she can neither stop growing older nor vanish, she wonders what she should do about it.
Many women have been motivated by her views on aging to stop hiding their wrinkles and other small flaws.
Sarah’s most recent paparazzi photos from the beach are probably going to further inspire ladies to accept their own changes without feeling self-conscious.