A 12-year-old kid is adopted by the family of his best buddy

The Children’s Bureau has provided data showing that there are currently about 424,000 foster children across the country. In Tennessee alone, there are slightly fewer than 8,000 children who are waiting to be reunited with their families or to find a long-term home with somebody who would love them without condition. Less than 4,000 foster families exist in this state, which is a tragic fact.

Up until recently, 12-year-old Nashville resident Andrew was one of those kids who got caught up in the system. This cute boy has spent the first part of his life living in different homes. That changed after he was welcomed into the Gills’ house as a specific foster family.


Joc, a child raised by Kevin and Dominique Gill on their own, hit it off with Andrew right away. The boys enjoy hanging out with each other. They occupy their time with sports, strolls, and other fun pursuits. When Kevin and Dominique observed how close the boys had grown, they made the decision to adopt the boys so they could remain best friends forever.

Andrew had no idea he would eventually gain full membership in the Gill family. While strolling in the park one day with Molly Parker, a member of the Youth Villages staff, he learned that his foster parents were going to adopt him.

Andrew said, “I just turned the corner and saw everyone. “I answered, “Yeah!” when they asked, “Will you?”

In addition to being the closest friends, these boys had now become brothers. That is just the sweetest thing ever, right?

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