Boy is bullied for his pink T-shirt: When I see his teacher the next day, my heart breaks

9-year-old Wisconsin boy William Gierke was ecstatic about his T-shirt.

She was overcome with emotion as she arrived home from school, though.

Due to his pink T-shirt, his classmates had called him a “sissy” and made fun of him.

William Gierke, 9, decided to wear a T-shirt that was special to him in order to show his support for cancer patients.

The T-shirt, which was offered for sale to benefit a breast cancer charity, included the slogan “Tough Guys Wear Pink” across it. Sadly, the T-shirt received some negative feedback from his classmates. Because William was wearing pink, he was taunted and branded a “sissy”.

Tomi, William’s mother, was upset when she observed her son struggle to hold back tears when he returned from school. He didn’t want to go back to school the following day as a result of his classmates’ sarcastic remarks. The mother was unsure on how to help William. Thankfully, the young student had a very attentive teacher…

The teacher intervened against bullying by doing something kind.

The following day, when William went back to school, he was ready for more jeers and abuse. Then he spotted what his teacher, David Winter, was sporting. Since she had seen firsthand how much bullying William had experienced as a result of his T-shirt, the teacher was paying close attention. He made the decision to support William by donning a pink shirt as a result.

Although it might have seemed like a small gesture, William thought extremely highly of it. Most importantly, it conveyed to all students that making fun of others because of their clothing is never appropriate.

After his teacher stood up to the bullies, William said, “I feel more at ease, I don’t let it bother me anymore.”

No child should experience bullying because of their attire.This instructor should be commended for speaking up for his pupil. To express your gratitude for this teacher’s support of William, like and share this story!

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