Mom and Dad can’t stop laughing with the twins because their giggles are so contagious.

Twins can understand one another without speaking to one another. They can instantly tell how their other version, who will now be their closest trusted friend, is feeling emotionally since they are able to sense each other’s energy, especially when they are young.

Mom captured a touching moment between twin brothers Johnathon (on the left) and Garrett when they were playing in the bathtub. It appears that these two water babies won’t be leaving any time soon because they are having such a good time in their baths.

Johnathon and Garrett get along like they’re old friends. They are genetically identical, thus their personalities and hobbies are similar. The best part of this video is the beautiful conversation they’re having, which is full of splashes and toys yet is unmistakably discussing important issues and debating themes close to their hearts. We shall never participate in this discussion together.

Their frequent infant babbling and loud belly laughs are entertaining to hear. But these two will definitely cause havoc once they start school! They seem to be having the most of their little lives, giggling at something, and indulging in outrageous antics! These two will always have each other, even if it’s uncommon to find someone with whom to laugh so hard.

Click the video below to watch the complete adorable bathing session. It’s impossible to describe how cute this pair of laugh monsters is.

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