Catherine’s HEARTBREAKING Decision About Louis’ Problem Moved William To Tearfully Apologize

According to reports, Princess Catherine is responding favorably to her first rounds of cancer treatment, as seen by the announcement of her most recent engagements with Queen Camila. She is also reported to be quite eager to get back to her duties as a royal family member as soon as possible. Before Prince Louis turns six, Princess Katherine and Prince William must make some important decisions. In contrast to previous years, they have opted to keep their youngest son’s privacy and away from the limelight by not releasing a picture of him on his sixth birthday.

The decision was made because of the strain that Princess Catherine and Prince William have been under as a result of the public scrutiny surrounding family images and Catherine’s ongoing health struggles. Even though Princess Katherine recently had preventative chemotherapy and is supposedly doing well, the pair plans to share a beautiful new portrait of their baby on his birthday, continuing a tradition that has been passed down through the generations.

They’re not sure who will take their next portrait, though, because of a recent Photoshop issue involving the royal couple. Although Princess Catherine is well-known for being an enthusiastic photographer and the reason behind all of her children’s adorable announcements, they are hopeful that future photographers would encounter less criticism.

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