Kate Middleton’s Heartfelt Response to Her Fans

Just a few weeks after disclosing her cancer diagnosis, Kate Middleton was overcome with emotion once more. This time, she was really moved by the flood of sincere letters from her followers. The Princess of Wales demonstrated how much she values the support she receives by taking the time to personally reply to each note.

Kate courageously revealed her cancer diagnosis and the course of therapy she will be receiving on March 22. Upon hearing of her announcement, admirers of the royal family from all around the world sent her handwritten messages and well wishes. One of the people who sent a card full of love and prayers for Princess Kate’s recovery was Allexmarie, a longtime fan of the royal.

“I wrote her a card wishing her well and lots of love, of course,” Allexmarie said in an interview with The Independent.

Despite her own struggles, Kate always took time to read the messages she got from her followers. She has consistently underlined how much their encouragement has strengthened her. She is appreciative of and respects this strength.

Kate personally replied to Allexmarie’s note of appreciation, which was a very touching act. Allexmarie was moved to tears by the letter and said she would save it forever.


Allexmarie said, “I can honestly say that I will cherish this beautiful thank you letter for the rest of my life. I received it today.”

The Royal Palace’s official reply to Allexmarie’s letter was as heartfelt:

“We appreciate your kind words of support for Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. We sincerely appreciate your kind gesture.


Apart from Kate’s intimate reply to her followers, Sarah Ferguson, also referred to as Fergie, posted a stirring statement on Instagram. She urged everyone to put their health first by seeing the doctor and obtaining regular checkups. Fergie’s statement on World Health Day is all the more poignant because she is still undergoing treatment for cancer.

Kate Middleton’s sincere reply to her admirers is evidence of her resilience, thankfulness, and the real bond she has with her followers. She takes the time to recognize and value the love and good wishes she receives, even in spite of her personal struggles.

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