Scientists warn against trend of using vaginal fluid as perfume

There have been many crazy phenomena on TikTok, but vabbing may be the most popular. Influencers vouch for the popular craze, which says that rubbing vaginal fluids on your pulse spots makes you desirable to people of the other sex.

Let’s examine what real science has to say before you grab for your secret scent, which some people refer to as “revolting.”


It doesn’t make sense, according to scientists.

Vabbing, a combination of the words vagina and dabbing, is the practice of applying vaginal secretions, similar to perfume, to pulse spots such as the neck, wrists, and behind the ears.


These secretions are thought to include pheromones, which are chemical messages that are unseen but are said to increase attraction.

When influencer Mandy Lee suggested in a widely shared TikTok that vabbing was the key to landing more dates, the fad took off. According to the Daily Mail, she said, “I swear if you vab, you will attract people, like a date or a one-night stand.”


“Go up there and give ’em a swipe,” she urged. You don’t need to be completely clean after taking a shower, but you should be reasonably clean.Apply a dab vab to the wrists, behind the ears, and possibly the neck.

“I’m not sure what they’re putting in pheromone perfume, but it can’t mimic your unique scent and molecular composition. Be careful, since it does work.



After the platform removed the video, which had received over 1.5 million views, vabbing became the newest craze on the internet. New videos appeared, lauding the behavior that some users claim makes them more appealing.

In a video titled “Vabbing at the gym for the first time,” TikToker @jewlieah declares, “You guys aren’t going to believe me.” “The vabbing was successful!”

“I want everyone to know that vabbing works,” writes a user on X who goes by the handle pick me. Not a joke.

Let’s examine what real science has to say about pheromones before you follow the fad and see if vabbing is just wishful thinking on TikTok.

Pheromones and humans

The reasoning behind vabbing is straightforward: Humans must employ pheromones to attract mates if animals do.

Animal pheromones are well-established. They are used by many species to indicate danger, mark territory, and attract potential mates. A female moth, for instance, can attract males from great distances by releasing pheromones.

Humans, however, are not as fortunate.

While “research is divided as to whether pheromones play a significant role in sexual and romantic compatibility for humans,” a study on “body odors” and sexual attraction claims that “pheromones play an important role in how animals communicate with each other.”



Edwina Caito, a Cosmopolitan sex expert, concurs. According to her, the notion that human pheromones affect attraction is dubious at best.

“Sex pheromones are secreted by humans, but it’s unclear if they still elicit the same response as before.Even though there are some pheromones in our vaginal fluids, Caito continues, “it’s not enough to brew up a pheromone perfume.”

Pheromones in animals “impact sexual and reproductive behavior, and possibly partner preference and selection,” according to Professor Erick Janssen, a neuroscientist at KU Leven in Belgium, who spoke to EuroNews.

However, he “seriously questions the validity of the claims involved” in the viral trend, which he refers to as a “fad” or “vad,” for people.

“We don’t consciously smell pheromones,” Janssen stated.

Therefore, vabbing is unlikely to be the pheromone powerhouse TikTok claims it is, even though it may sound plausible.

The placebo effect

Nonetheless, the placebo effect might be at work; when people vape, they may feel more self-assured, which in turn makes them more appealing.

“If vabbing increases your sense of attractiveness, that will be interpreted as external confidence, which is lovely in and of itself,” Caito says.



The dangers of vabbing

Make sure you understand the dangers if you continue to insist on vabbing.

Maintaining personal hygiene is important.

Wash your hands before vabbing. According to London gynecologist Dr. Paraskevi Dimitriadi, sticking filthy fingers into the vagina increases the chance of introducing bacteria that can cause infections or even infertility.

“You run the risk of injuring the tissue in your vagina and spreading infection if you use filthy fingers to collect discharge,” Dimitriadi told the Daily Mail. “This could lead to something as serious as a pelvic inflammatory disease.”

She goes on to say that having dirty fingers can also result in bacterial vaginosis or thrush, both of which can produce unpleasant discharge that “will not help you attract a partner.”

A sexually transmitted infection (STI) could be spread by you.

Vabbing involves more than just applying fluids to your body; it also involves determining where those fluids travel thereafter.

“Vabbing isn’t the best idea if you have a STI because those that can spread through bodily fluids and skin-to-skin contact can be passed,” Caito says. “There is a slim chance that your partner could get a virus or bacteria if you dab your essence behind your ear and they then give you a full kiss, lick, and lobe suck.”



Gray area in social etiquette

Let’s face it, some internet users are appalled by the practice, and most people won’t be overjoyed to hear that someone is wearing vaginal fluid as perfume.

“All right, I’m done using the internet! One person writes, “You women who are into vabbing are rotten.”

Another individual posts on TikTok, “I’m honestly so revolted,” and a third says, “I’m not touching a single person anymore.”

What do you think, then? Would you ever give vabbing a try, or are you content to avoid this particular TikTok fad? To help us hear from others, please share this article and let us know what you think!

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