Button deflation! Jenn surprised the crowd, her body losing its sense of relief.
Jennifer Lopez’s new images, which were released on February 11th, shocked admirers with a noticeably “flat” relief of her body.
We’re talking about the buttocks, which appear to have slightly shrunk as a result of modifications to Jennifer’s training. The 53-year-old celebrity either made the decision to lighten the burden on the “bottom” of the body or has plans to dry out before the summer.
J. Lo opted for a tracksuit in a classy beige color for her farewell. Such photos always seem nice when combined with tanned skin; the appearance is more vibrant and impressive.
Be aware that the controversy between Ben Affleck and Jennifer has not subsided since the previous discussion. The actor has grown weary of his wife’s continual “glorification,”
Also, he finds it difficult to put up with her leadership style. Nonetheless, Lopez helped him stop being addicted to booze; Jay Lo’s firm hold is obviously to his advantage.
It should be noted that the earlier conversation regarding the conflict between Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lawrence has not ended. The actor finds it difficult to accept his wife’s leadership abilities and is irritated of her incessant “glorification.”
He is no longer dependent on booze, though, owing to Lopez: Jay Lo’s firm hold is obviously advantageous to him.